Improvements to Bedelands and Green Circle: petition.

Hello Everyone,

Following the petition circulated 2 years ago, things are looking good so far!

1)The provision of an adventure trail on the extreme western edge of Watford Wood, bordering the meadow leased to the greyhound stables, well away from the main part of Bedelands reserve, to provide additional amenities for local youngsters near the BMX track & football pitches by means of a grant application to the Big Lottery Fund.

This has been backed by BHTC and MSDC. A site meeting took place in January, which produced a detailed quotation. Big Lottery Fund is now considering my application. So far it has not been turned down.

2) Extending Bedelands towards Freeks Lane in the west, in view of the greatly-increased footfall likely to arise from building the Northern Arc.

Bedelands has been extended by one third to the boundaries originally suggested (South of River Adur and east of Freeks Lane).

3) Completing the Green Circle along the southern edge of the proposed Northern Arc development.

This has been broadly accepted by Homes England and AOCom, but final details are yet to be agreed.

This is excellent news for Burgess Hill. Thank you for taking part!

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